Main Booking Form:
The starting point for making a booking, the form is pretty straightforward. Do have a look at the "Flexible dates" option. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Fare Results:
There are two different options depending on if your client is flexible with dates. See the images of both to see what works for you. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Display Format:
There are two options on how to view the fare results. Each has a different workflow and may or may not work for your client's request. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Filter Flights:
Many different ways to filter flights on the left sie fo the fare results page. By departure time, by dollar amount ETC. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Booking Details:
How to add your markup and send your customer a confirmation email while doing the booking all at once. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Booking Details:
How to add your markup and send your customer a confirmation email while doing the booking all at once. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Sending a Quote Email:
The most used service in the booking engine. When your client is asking about fares but does not want to book at this time, this is the big time saver. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Search Bookings:
Need to find a booking or want to look at what you sold last month. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.
Managing Bookings:
If you need cancel a booking or change something in the naming process, here is how. Click the button on the left for more detailed information and images.